Quotes from The Destiny Series.

Within us all lays an enemy. A part of us that weakens our very resolve.  It is during the darkest nights of our souls that we must conquer the enemy within or perish.
Whitliff Oakwood  (The Enemy WIthin)

The difference between respect and honor is that respect can be demanded or earned. Honor cannot be either earned or demanded. It is a code that comes from the heart.
A way of living one’s life from day to day. A law that only that person understands
Mistross Oakwood (The Enemy Within)

An army is only as strong as its weakest soldier. An untrained army is a dead army no matter its size

Michelnick Manston (The Darkest Night)

Fear is not only an emotion; it can be a state of mind. It can be a mere moment in a person’s life or destroy an entire lifetime.
Your reaction to fear may be a mere flinch of the eye or it may be a soul consuming destructive force.
Just remember this one thing. Fear is conjured by oneself and is conquered by oneself.

Shadoe Van Ives.
( The Enemy Within)

There is an old saying “There is a thin line between a coward and a hero.”
The way I see it the only thing that separates them is that split second decision the man makes. A man can be a hero one minute and a coward the next. The two are interchangeable within the blinking of the eye.
Michelnick Manston (The Darkest Night)

A person's happiness is strictly a matter of perspective not fate. Each living creature sees the same touch of fate with a unique perspective. One man's luck is another man's curse.

Thomason Stenson  (Destiny Dawning)

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